Keep Track of Multiple Investment Accounts
Portseido helps investors around the world track their investments,
evaluate the performances of each portfolio individually and also
aggregate those into one view

Track all investments in one place
See all of your investments in one place at Portseido. With 70+ stock
markets all over the world, cryptos and etfs, you can see all your
assets grow on any device.
Track assets world wide
With coverage on 70+ stock markets, cryptos and etfs, you can see
all your investments in once place.

Aggregate all portfolios and dig deeper into each portfolio individually
With aggregated view, you can see your overall performance of all
portfolios at a glance. Plus, a click away from digging deeper into
each portfolio individually.
Customized benchmarks and currencies for each portfolio
With currency coverage worldwide, you can choose to display your
portfolio in your own currency. In addition, you can also choose the
benchmarks that are most suitable for each portfolio.