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Portfolio Performance Alternative

Best alternative to Portfolio Performance App

Understand your portfolio better

Clean and easy to use interface

Portfolio Performance alternative

Why Portseido might be the best Portfolio Performance alternative for you to track your portfolio?

Portfolio Tracker with Clean Interface

With Portseido, you can track your investment portfolios just like in Portfolio Performance, but with more powerful analytics, easy to use interface and better experience seeing any information within a glance.

portfolio performance tracker
portfolio performance

Access your Portfolio Anywhere Anytime on Any Device

With Portseido available through both web-based app and mobile app on both App Store and Play Store, you can track and monitor your investments anywhere anytime on any device.

portfolio performance

Simple, Yet Powerful Dividend Tracker

With Portseido, your dividend incomes are automatically tracked, aggregated and displayed by transactions and tickers over time. Plus, investors can track their progress and manage their dividend incomes easily through dividend calendar and historical and estimated dividend chart.

Track your dividend portfolio progress
Portseido investment goal tracker

Compound Confidently with Goal Tracker

Portseido also helps you keep track of your investment plan with Portseido Financial Goal Tracker. So you can know if you are on the right path to financial success or not.

Portseido investment goal tracker

Easy To Import From Your Brokers

1. Export trades from your broker account.

2. Upload the file.

3. Monitor your performance against a benchmark.

4. Learn from your decisions and become a better investor.

And many more ...

Meet investors who choose Portseido

Investors all over the world trust Portseido to be their go to investment tracker

Migrate from Portfolio Performance today


Which assets do Portseido support?

Portseido tracks a wide variety of assets including US, UK, Europe, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Brazil, South Korea and other global stocks from more than 70+ exchanges, 20000+ ETFs, and Cryptocurrencies. You can search for your asset here.

Is Portseido available for free?

You can create a free portfolio on Portseido. This will have access to almost all of the functionalities. However, when your number of trades get larger, you will have to upgrade to see the full portfolio. See more on pricing page.

How can I track all my investments?

Simply input the trades you made via our intuitive interface or by uploading a file containing your trade history. Once Portseido has data on your past trades, it’s ready to track and visualize all your portfolios in various aspects, historical performance, trade analytics, allocations and many more. Our goal is to empower you to answer all the questions you have about your own portfolio. Check out our help center on the specifics of how to get set up.